Common Back and Neck Injuries After a Car Accident

motor vehicle accident can happen at any time. Even though it is important for you to put safety first, not every driver will do the same thing. No matter how minor the motor vehicle accident may seem, it is important for you to seek medical care as quickly as possible. Even if you feel fine, adrenaline can mask a lot of injuries. The earlier your injuries are diagnosed, the faster they can be treated. This can dramatically improve your prognosis.

There are several common back and neck injuries that people suffer in a motor vehicle accident. Take a look at the list below, and remember to reach out to a chiropractor who can assist you.

common neck injuries


Without a doubt, whiplash is one of the most common injuries that people suffer in a motor vehicle accident. If you are involved in a wreck, your car could change direction quickly. It might even come to an abrupt stop. Your neck can bounce back and forth, shocking the muscles and ligaments. As a result, you may develop a cervical sprain of the ligaments in the neck.

This can lead to whiplash. Whiplash can make it hard for you to turn your head from side to side or up and down. It can lead to a tremendous amount of stiffness that makes it hard to read a book, drive a car, and use a computer. A chiropractor can perform adjustments on your neck to loosen up the ligaments and restore your range of motion.

Compression Fractures 

Another common injury that people suffer in a motor vehicle accident is called a compression fracture. Your spinal column is made up of individual vertebrae. In an accident, you can place a tremendous amount of stress on the spinal column. This can cause a lot of the vertebrae in the back to crack. These are called compression fractures.

Imaging might be required to diagnose compression fractures. Then, you should work with a chiropractor who can help you recover from your compression fractures. Even though there are a lot of people who require surgery for fractures in the back, this is not always the case. Even if you need surgery, you should work with a chiropractor after the operation to help you finish the recovery process.

A Herniated Disc

There are lots of people who suffer a herniated disc in a motor vehicle accident as well. The vertebrae in the back are separated by cushions called discs. These discs are designed to keep the vertebrae from pressing on each other. This can also protect the nerves in the spinal column.

In a motor vehicle accident, your chest can be flung forward at high speeds. This can increase the amount of stress placed on the discs in the back, causing them to rupture. The most common location for a herniated disc is between L3 and L4 or between L4 and L5. A herniated disc can cause shooting pains to travel down the legs. While some people may require surgery for a herniated disc, this is not always the case. Rely on a chiropractor to help you recover from a herniated disc. 

A Stinger (Also Called a Pinched Nerve)

It is also possible for you to be diagnosed with a stinger following a car or motorcycle accident. This is also called a pinched nerve. A stinger usually refers to a pinched nerve that is located in the neck or shoulder. Depending on the type of injury you suffered, you could experience numbness, tingling, weakness, or shooting pains that travel from the neck down the arm into the hand. This can make it hard for you to use that specific arm or shoulder. A chiropractor can figure out where the pinched nerve is located. Then, he or she can develop a treatment plan to free that nerve.

A Concussion

Even though a concussion is technically a head injury, it can stem from a blow to the base of the skull or the neck. Furthermore, you could experience pain that travels from the neck into the head and scalp.

If you strike your head on the steering wheel, dashboard, or window, you could be diagnosed with a concussion. A concussion can lead to a number of chronic symptoms, including headaches. You should work with a chiropractor who can perform adjustments on your neck and free the tendons, muscles, and ligaments. This could help you recover from a concussion.

A Paraspinal Muscle Strain

One of the most common injuries that people suffer in a motor vehicle accident is a paraspinal muscle strain. You have small muscles located on the sides of your spinal column that are responsible for supporting the individual vertebrae. In a motor vehicle accident, you could strain some of the muscles on the sides of your spinal column. If you experience pain on the sides of your spinal cord, you could have suffered a paraspinal muscle strain. A chiropractor can take a look at those individual muscles and perform adjustments to relax them. 

A Back Sprain

Finally, you might also suffer a back sprain in a motor vehicle accident. A sprain refers to an overstretching of the ligaments in the back. You have multiple ligaments in your back that connect the bones together. They are responsible for giving your back its range of motion. Unfortunately, you can also suffer a back sprain in an accident.

If you flex or extend your back too far, you could stretch the ligaments a bit too far as well. A chiropractor can take a look at the alignment of the vertebrae in your back, performing adjustments that can relax the ligaments. This can help you recover from a back sprain. 

Contact Doctor Wagner for Help With Back and Neck Injuries Following a Car Accident

These are just a few of the many back and neck injuries that you may experience in a motor vehicle accident. Keep in mind that you can also experience head injuries, such as a cerebral contusion or a brain bleed. Do not hesitate to go to the emergency room following a car accident. Even if you go to the emergency room, you should still visit a chiropractor who can help you complete the recovery process. That is where we can assist you.

At Doctor Wagner, we have a tremendous amount of experience working with patients following a car accident in Florida. It would be our pleasure to use our experience to assist you as well. Contact us today to make an appointment with a member of our team! We look forward to assisting you.

Auto Accident Doctor

Common Auto Accident Injuries